Target Customers with Media Monkey®’s Golden Tickets

Looking to connect with active and potential customers and reach those closest to your restaurant? Media Monkey®’s Golden Tickets allow customers to redeem exclusive offers through their smartphone or device.

Learn how it works, and more important why it works below!

How does it work?

We start by creating a custom QR code that directs customers to your local offer. Users can scan this code from a printed advertisement, poster, website, social media post, etc.

Once the Golden Ticket is added to their device, you can send them notifications with offers based on time or location.

Why does it work?

Golden Tickets can easily target a demographic set through time or location-based marketing. This allows you to reach a wider demographic due to the flexibility and customization of your Ticket.

Through methods such as direct mail, you can even target neighboring areas to reach local events! After users add your Golden Ticket to their device, they can share the QR code with friends and family to further increase the success of your deal.

How do I get started?

Golden Tickets are a good example of “think smarter, not harder.” Media Monkey® can set a location as a prompt so that a notification is displayed on the customer’s mobile device as they pass through that area.

As technology and GPS data become more and more advanced, promotional methods, such as Golden Tickets, will only become more effective.

You can give us a call today at (630) 773-4402 or email our sales team at [email protected]. Our design team will work with you to create your custom Golden Ticket right away.

Need more convincing? Contact our sales team today!