Major Trends in 2017 You Need to Know Now

2017 has brought in a lot of changes for businesses and consumers. Keeping up with this year’s major trends could help you and your business succeed. Here are the top trends of 2017:

Digital Marketing – While digital marketing has been around for some time now, it has been changing constantly. There have been shifts in both technology and social media in the past year and they’re getting more aggressive than ever. Society’s need for convenience and efficiency is the leading cause of changes in digital marketing.

For starters, internet traffic has substantially increased because of mobile devices due to our society’s need for convenience. Recently, people have started to spend less time at home and more time on their mobile devices. Smart phones are always accessible and more convenient to carry. Many people have shifted their online surfing from desktops and laptops to their phones. For that reason, it is important to cater your websites to mobile users and make their online experience more user-friendly. This includes creating mobile-friendly advertisements and other digital content as well. Making your website and/or your advertisements accessible through mobile devices could potentially help increase traffic and number of customers for your company.

Going along with mobile media, have you noticed that most online content you see is in video format? Advertisements, entertainment, and even news have all transformed the way they reach their audiences by incorporating videos. With society’s decreasing attention span, using videos is the best way to capture attention and get your message across. Few people prefer to read long articles in depth when their information can be summed up in a three-minute video because it entails much less effort and is more efficient. Also, having a visual aid and audio accompany text could lead to higher levels of retention. Implementing videos into your digital marketing could be very beneficial.

Rise of Millennials – Millennials, the generation of people born between 1980 and 2000, recently have been getting much more praise and attention in the business world. They are being hired more often—bringing changes for all other generations—and have become a major target market for many companies.

The rise of Millennials led to many changes in the workplace. Millennials grew up during the developing technology phase in our society. They have been taught both old and new methods of living. With Millennials, we see an increase of technology use and also a need to stay in touch with more traditional experiences. Companies are looking to hire Millennials more than ever because they bring original, creative ideas, bridge the gap between older and younger generations, and provide a new, more relaxed atmosphere in the company. They are known to incorporate more modern technology and more innovative ways of thinking. Due to their interest in social media and mass communication, Millennials pay large attention to and have grand access to discovering new trends.

Millennials make up the largest generation of consumers at over 80 million in the United States alone,* and because of this, marketing to Millennials has increased. They have immense buying power and motives to buy. Social Media is just one of the factors that have led Millennials to be the ultimate consumers. Their buying culture stems from a constant stream of online advertisements and celebrity product endorsements. Social Media has led Millennials to feel the need to acquire more things. A “sharing” culture has developed among them and it forces Millennials to always keep up with the newest products and trends—peers’ opinions play a crucial role in this. How does all this relate to your business? It is important to understand how and why this new target demographic has developed and what effects it has. Targeting the right people in the right ways could do wonders for your business.

For tips on how to apply these trends to help your business, contact Media Monkey at
630-773-4402 or [email protected].

*According to Forbes